feels like christmas

feels like christmas

Thursday 23 January 2014 • 1 comment

This is a super late post but i just had to finish the Christmas series i started. Christmas really is the best time of the year, filled with so much love. To me it is and always has been a time spent with family. I think its great that Christmas and the new year are just a week apart. The Christmas holiday isn't just a break but is THE break from life that fortifies you with all the love, encouragement and support you need to face the new year. It is totally refreshing and sufficient to take me through the twelve months ahead. I got such lovely gifts from my siblings and couldn't have asked for a better brother or sister.

Every cookbook, cooking show and online cooking video i've watched, most times has this in common - The KitchenAid mixer. I've had a Kenwood mixer for a while now and have been very happy with it but i've always been curious about the very popular KitchenAid mixer. My amazing parents got me this white KitchenAid mixer for Christmas and i couldn't be more excited. I was so excited, i gave it a hug once it was unwrapped. The expression 'like Christmas morning' rings true. After 5 minutes of hugging it with a huge smile on my face, i raised the top and immediately knew what the difference was. This is some heavy machinery. Very sturdy and ready for action! This is a great way to start the year. Can't wait to see what my new toy and i get up to this year!

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